Letošnja jesen je res krasna. September in oktober sta nas razvajala s prekrasnimi barvami, november pa je bil skoraj enako slikovit. Listja sicer ni več na drevesih, zato pa je tisto na tleh še vedno močnih rjavih barv.
This years’ autumn is really great. We were spoilt by fantastic colours in September and October. But November is wonderful too. Leaves have fallen off the trees, but the ones on the ground have deep brown shades.
Občasno se med drevesa privleče megla od kdo ve kod. In kadar skoznjo skuša posijati Sonce, vse skupaj postane čarobno.
Occasionally comes fog among the trees from who knows where. And if the Sun tries get through it, everything becomes magical.
Eddi se za vse to seveda ne zmeni in komaj čaka, da lahko lovi ali išče žogo. Kadar pa žoge ni, ga mamijo zvoki in vonjave, ki je gozd poln.
Eddi doesn’t mind for all this, He hardly waits to get a chance to catch and search the ball. When he doesn’t get it, he is tempted by the scents and sounds of the forest.
V skrtih kotičkih pa je še vedno moč najti kakšen cvet. Sicer suh, pa vendar podobno lep, kot spomladansko cvetje.
In hidden spots of the forest, one can still find a flower. It is dried, but still as beautiful as spring flowers.