Ob službenih obveznostih se ponavadi najde tudi kak trenutek za ogled mesta, kjer sem. Tako sem v Budimpešti stanoval ravno dovolj blizu tržnice, da sem pred pričetkom delovnega dneva lahko pokukal še na njihovo Centralno tržnico.
Tržnica leži na Peštanski strani mesta, tik ob Donavi. Zgrajena je bila v 90. letih 19. stoletja, odprta pa leta 1897. Danes je zgodovinsko zaščiten spomenik, ki še vedno služi svojemu osnovnemu namenu.
Po tržnici sem se sprehodil zjutraj, kmalu po odprtju, ko še ni bilo običajnega vrveža. Samo najzgodnejši prodajalci so se pripravljali na delovni dan.
When on business travel, I can usually find a moment to sight see the city where I am. In Budapest, I was staying close enough to the market to have a peek at their Central Market Hall before the start of the working day.
The market is located on the Pest side of the city, right next to the Danube. It was built in the 1890s and opened in 1897. Today it is a listed historical monument, still serving its original purpose.
I visited the market in the morning, shortly after the opening, when it was not yet bustling with the usual hustle and bustle. Only the earliest vendors were getting ready for the working day.