Festival La Gacilly – Baden Photo je vsakoletni festival fotografije, ki se razprostira po celem mestu Baden blizu Dunaja. Fotografije so razstavljene po fasadah stavb, po ulicah in v parkih. In vse je brezplačno, vsakomur v užitek in veselje.
Letos je naslovna tema Orient. Predstavljeni so fotografi iz Afganistana, Pakistana in Bangladeša. Razstava je na ogled še do 15.10.
Festival La Gacilly – Baden Photo is yearly festival of photography which spans across the city of Baden near Vienna. Photos are displayed on facades, in the streets and parks of the town. And everything is free of charge, for everyone to enjoy.
This year the main theme is Orient. It features photographers from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Festival is opened until 15.10.