Ko se vsak dan sprehajaš po istem gozdu, na prvi pogled zmanjka novih motivov. Takrat je čas za pogled proti tlem, pod podrta debla, med odpadle liste. Če pa je še jesen, ki ne skopari z darovi, skritih prebivalcev ni težko najti.

Gob sicer ne nabiram pogosto. Marel ne maram, jurčki in lisičke pa se mi ne pokažejo. Zato jih raje ujamem v objektiv. Tule je izbor letošnje jeseni.

When you walk in the same forest every day, at first sight you run out of new motifs. Then it’s time to look towards the ground, under the fallen trunks, among the fallen leaves. And if it’s autumn, which doesn’t skimp on the gifts, it’s not hard to find the hidden inhabitants.

I don’t often pick mushrooms. I don’t like parasol mushrooms, and porcinos and golden chanterelles don’t show up. That’s why I prefer to catch them in my lens. Here is this autumn’s selection.

Med gobami / Among mushrooms
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