Spet je bil čas, da grem nekam z Digitalno kamero. Na jug, na Hrvaško in v BiH. Ob nemogoče zgornji uri smo se odpeljali proti Velebitu. Prvi cilj, Majstorski put preko Velebita. Ob sončnem vzhodu smo že bili na mestih in v vetrovnem jutru lovili sončne žarke na Tulovih Gedah in se potikali po poteh Winetouja. Tu so namreč snemali jugoslovanske filme o dogodivščinah tega junaka Divjega zahoda.
It was time to go somewhere with the Digitalna kamera again. At an impossibly early hour we drove to Velebit. First destination, Majstorski put over Velebit. We were already in places at sunrise, catching the sun’s rays on Tulove Grede and wandering the paths of Winetou in the windy morning. This is where the Yugoslav films about the adventures of this hero of the Wild West were filmed.

Po čudovitem jutru smo pot nadaljevali proti jugu mimo Maslenških mostov in naprej na Biokovo. Tam so na višini 1200m zgradili steklen most )Biokovo Skywalk), s katerega je moč občudovati južno dalmatinske otoke. Ob čisto jasnem vremenu, takoj po dežju, se baje vidi vse do Italije na drugi strani Jadranskega morja.
Na vzponu proti Skywalku pa smo se peljali skozi gozd, ki ga je poleti zajel obsežen požar. In ker smo fotografi ena čudna bitja, smo se seveda zaustavili in motive iskali tudi v tej žalostni pokrajini.
Dan se je kar prehitro končal in zaslužen počitek nas je čakal v Livnu v Hercegovini. In tam glavna dogodivščina tega izleta, divji konji.
After a beautiful morning, we continued south past the Maslenica bridges and on to Biokovo. There, at a height of 1200m, they have built a glass bridge (Biokovo Skywalk) from which you can admire the southern Dalmatian islands. In clear weather, right after a rain, you can see all the way to Italy on the other side of the Adriatic Sea.
On the climb up to Skywalk, we drove through a forest that was engulfed by a massive fire in the summer. And being photographers, we are strange creatures, so of course we stopped and looked for subjects in this sad landscape.
The day was over all too soon and a well-deserved rest awaited us in Livno, Herzegovina. And there the main adventure of the trip, the wild horses.

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