Zagreb ni daleč, zato smo za spremembo šli lučke in štante pogledat tja. Da smo se izognili gneči na zagrebških ulicah, smo takoj čez mejo v Dobovi sedli na vlak in se udobno pripeljali v center mesta.

Petkov večer na ulicah Zagreba je bil pravljičen in živahen. Vzdušje pa naredijo ljudje, zato je tudi ta objava posvečena njim.

Zagreb is not far away, so we went there to see the Christmas lights and the stands for a change. To avoid the traffic jams on the streets of Zagreb, we took the train right across the border in Dobova and got a comfortable ride to the city centre.

Friday evening on the streets of Zagreb was fabulous and lively. It’s the people who make the atmosphere, which is why this post is dedicated to them.

Advent v Zagrebu / Advent in Zagreb
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